Thursday, April 30, 2009

pohon kamu???

Tanggal Kelahiran
23 Desember - 1 Januari –> Apel
2 Januari - 11 Januari –> Fir
12 Januari - 24 Januari –> Elm
25 Januari - 3 Februari –> Cypress
4 Februari - 8 Februari –> Poplar
9 Februari - 18 Februari –> Cedar
19 Februari - 28 Februari –>Pinus / Pine
1 Maret - 10 Maret –> Weeping Willow
11 Maret - 20 Maret –> Lime
21 Maret –> Oak
22 Maret - 31 Maret –> Halzelnut
1 April - 10 April –> Rowan
11 April - 20 April –> Maple
21 April - 30 April –> Walnut
1 Mei - 14 Mei –> Poplar
15 Mei - 24 Mei –> Chestnut
25 Mei - 3 Juni –> Ash
4 Juni - 13 Juni –> Hornbeam
14 Juni - 23 Juni –> Fig
24 Juni –> Birch
25 Juni - 4 Juli –> Apel
5 Juli - 14 Juli –> Fir
15 Juli - 25 Juli –> Elm
26 Juli - 4 Agustus –> Cypress
5 Agustus - 13 Agustus –> Poplar
14 Agustus - 23 Agustus –> Cedar
24 Agustus - 2 September –> Pinu / Pine
3 September - 12 September –> Weeping Willow
13 September - 22 September –> Lime
23 September –> Olive
24 September - 3 Oktober –> Hazelnut
4 Oktober - 13 Oktober –> Rowan
14 Oktober - 23 Oktober –> Maple
24 Oktober - 11 November –> Walnut
12 November - 21 November –> Chestnut
22 November - 1 Desember –> Ash
2 Desember - 11 Desember –> Hornbeam
12 Desember - 21 Desember –> Fig
22 Desember - 31 Desember –> Beech
Si Cinta Penuh pesona dan daya tarik, menyenangkan, petualang, senstif, selalu dalam
cinta, suka dicintai dan mencintai, teman yang penyayang dan dapat dipercaya, sangat
dermawan, pemikiran teknis, hidup untuk hari ini, ahli filsafat penuh imaginasi
Si Misterius Citra rasa luar biasa, mulia, menyukai sesuatu yang indah, perasa, keras kepala, egois, agak modis, sangat ambisius, berbakat, banyak teman, banyak musuh, dapat diandalkan.
Si Mulia Mempunyai fisik yang menyenangkan, modis, tidak gampang memaafkan kesalahan, periang, suka memimpin dan tidak menyukai dipimpin, teman yang jujur dan setia, suka mengetahui semua karakter orang dan memberi keputusan, dermawan, sense of humor yang baik, praktis
Si Setia Kuat, mudah beradaptasi, periang, optimis, memerlukan uang dan pendidikan yang cukup, benci kesendirian, pecinta yang tidak pernah puas, setia, pemarah, tidak dapat diatur, dan ceroboh
Si Tidak Pasti Sangat dekoratif, tidak percaya diri, berani jika diperlukan, memerlukan lingkungan yang berkeinginan baik dan menyenangkan, sangat pemilih, sering sendiri, pendendam, bakat artistik, organizer yang baik, cenderung berfilososfi, dapat diandalkan di berbagai situasi, memandang hubungan dengan serius
Si Percaya Diri Kecantikan yang langka, tahu bagaimana beradaptasi, menyukai kemewahan, cenderung memandang rendah orang lain, percaya diri, tidak sabar, mempunyai banyak bakat, pekerja keras, optimis, menunggu cinta sejati, dapat membuat keputusan cepat.
Si Istimewa Menyukai kawan yang sepaham, sangat sehat, tahu bagaimana hidup menyenangkan, sangat aktif, alami, teman yang baik tetapi jarang bersahabat, gampang jatuh cinta tetapi cepat pudar, dengan mudah menyerah, praktis dan dapat dipercaya.
Si Melankolis Si Cantik yang penuh dengan ke - melankolis - an, aktraktif, menyukai segala sesuatu yang indah dan bercitra rasa, suka berpetualang, pemimpi, gelisah, pendorong semangat, jujur, dapat dipengaruhi tetapi tidak mudah hidup dengannya, penuntut, intuisi baik, menderita dalam cinta tetapi kadang menemukan pasangan yang
Si Peragu Menerima hidup apa adanya, tidak menyukai perkelahian, tekanan dan pekerjaan, cenderung malas dan mengganggur, berkorban demi teman, banyak talenta tetapi tidak ada kemauan dalam mengembangkan, selalu mengeluh, setia tetapi sangat
Si Luar Biasa Mempesona, tidak penuntut, sangat pengertian, tahu bagaimana membuat sebuah impresi, pejuang sosial yang aktif, terkenal, pecinta yang mendorong semangat, teman yang jujur dan penuh dengan toleransi, rasa keadilan yang tepat.
Si Sensitif Penuh dengan pesona, periang, tidak egois, suka menarik perhatian, menyukai kehidupan, pergerakan ketergantungan dan mandiri, citarasa tinggi, artistik, penuh gelora dan emosional, teman bicara yang baik dan tidak mudah memaafkan.
Si Pemikir Mandiri Bukan orang biasa, penuh imaginasi dan keaslian, pemalu dan perasa, ambisius, sombong, menyukai pengalaman baru, kadang gugup, kompleks, ingatan baik, belajar dengan mudah, kehidupan cinta yang rumit.
Si Gelora Aneh dan penuh dengan kontradiksi, sering egois, agresif, spontan, ambisis yang tak terbatas, menimbulkan reaksi yang tak diharapkan, kaku, rekan yang sulit dan tidak
biasanya, tidak selalu disukai tapi sering dipuja, strategi hebat, sangat pencemburu dan tanpa kompr omi
Si Jujur Kecantikan yang sukar ditemui, mempunyai rasa keadilan yang cukup baik, menarik, diplomatis, sensitif dalam kelompok, kadang-kadang bersikap layaknya pemimpin, merasa tidak mengerti akan cinta, susah menemukan pasangan
Si Ambisi Daya tarik yang luar biasa, tidak perduli terhadap kritik, ambisius, pintar, bertalenta, senang akan tantangan, kadang egois, dapat dipercaya, kadang pikiran menguasai kata hati dan memandang tinggi arti persahabatan.
Si Citarasa Tinggi Sangat peduli terhadap kecantikan dan kondisi tubuhnya, citarasa tinggi, cenderung egois, membuat hidup senyaman mungkin, memimpin dengan rasional, displin tinggi, rekan yang emosional tetapi berkualitas, memimpikan pasangan yang luar biasa, jarang menyukai perasaannya sendiri, tidak yakin dengan keputusannya.
Si Sensitif Sangat kuat / tangguh, mandiri, tidak membiarkan kontrakdisi atau alasan, menyukai kehidupan, keluarga, anak - anak dan binatang, rasa humor tinggi, pintar
Si Sehat Alami Berani, Mandiri, kuat / tangguh, kalem, tidak menyukai perubahan, orang
Si Inspirasi Menyukai kehidupan, atraktif, elegan, modis,bersahabat, menyukai hidup alami dalam ketenangan, tidak terlalu berambisi, penuh dengan imaginasi, mampu menciptakan suasana yang tenang.
Si Bijaksana Menyukai surya, perasaan yang teang dan hangat, sangat rasional, adil, menghindari keagresifan dan keributan, sangat toleransi, periang, kalem, rasa keadilan
yang terbina baik, sensitif, bebas dari rasa cemburu, suka membaca dan teman yang menyenangkan.
Si Kreatif Citarasa baik, peduli terhadap penampilannya, materialistis, si organizer yang baik untuk kehidupan dan perjalanan kariernya, ekon omi s, pemimpin yang baik,
rasional, menjaga kondisi tubuh dengan baik seperti diet, olahraga


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Monday, April 27, 2009

sinetron model baru

sinetron model baru'' yah cukup untuk menggambarkan fenomena yg terjadi di indonesia ketika sebuah acara reality show yg sebenarnya telah berakhir masa kejayaanya, maka para pemain bisnis di pertelevisian indonesia mulai mencari jalan bagaimana caranya agar sebuah acara yg tercipta tetap menjadi yg terdepan maka tanpa panjang berfikir lebar mereka memanfaatkan sedikit ide2 mereka untuk ttp n terus menayangkan acara tersebut dengan aturan maen yg tentu saja ditambah sedikit merona biru alias penambahan

Menurut saya bolehlah untuk hitungan bisnis apalagi masyarakat indonesia rata2 memiliki sifat yg agak munafik termasuk saya mungkin, maka terjadilah reality show plus2, alias plus sandiwara maksud saya, pada awalnya masyarakat penikmat acara televisi amat sangat menikmati acara yg telah di buat itu namun lambat laun semua masyarakat indonesiapun mulai merasa ada kejanggalan dalam acara ini ujung2nya memang setengah masyarakat mengerti bahwa acara yg mereka tonton telah diberikan sedikit modifikasi

banyak sekali yg protes meski keprotesan mereka hanya sebatas di hati dan pembicaraan dari mulut ke mulut namun dalam hal ini saya melihatnya sebagai revolusi pertelevisian karna percaya atau tidak dalam dunia pertelevisian itu harus ada yg namanya unsur hiburan yg tentunya hiburan itu harus di sesuaikan jg dgn kondisi msayarakat yg menonton pula

Sebetulnya hal seperti ini pun terjadi bukan hanya di indonesia namun di luar negeripun semua hal yg berhubungan dgn dunia penyiaran itu pasti ada unsur yg harus menghibur contoh seperti beberapa th yg lalu di pertelevisian di spanyol ada sebuah acara yg berhubungan dgn ramalan cuaca dimana pada waktu itu rating penonton menurun lantas apa yg dilakukan para pemain bisnis di pertelevisian sana?? yah mereka melakukan sedikit modifikasi yaitu dngan menampilkan para pembawa acara baik itu pria ataupun wanitanya mereka berbugilria ketika membawakan acara

Tentu saja di sebuah negara yg berasaskan kebebasan ini secara tidak langsung telah membuat nuansa yg berbeda dlm sebuah pertelevisian sudah barang tentu acara itu pun disambut hangat kembali oleh para penikmat televisi , dari kasus yg saya tulis di atas sebetulnya saya hanya ingin sedikit menyampaikan pesan yg memang tersimpulkan dari pemikiran saya saja, bahwasanya semua hal acara yg terjadi di televisi anggap saja sebuah hiburan yg tidak perlu difikirkan dgn terlalu dlm, nikmati,berikomentar,n selamat anda telah berpartisipasi dlm dunia pertelevisian.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson
Scarlett I. Johansson (born November 22, 1984) is a BAFTA-winning and four-time Golden Globe-nominated actress and singer, of dual American and Danish citizenship. Johansson rose to fame with her role in 1998's The Horse Whisperer and subsequently gained critical acclaim for her roles in Ghost World, Lost in Translation (for which she won a BAFTA), and Girl with a Pearl Earring, the latter two earning her Golden Globe Award nominations in 2003.
Scarlett Johansson Scarlett Johansson
On May 20, 2008, Johansson debuted as a vocalist on her first album, Anywhere I Lay My Head, with cover versions of Tom Waits songs. Johansson was born in New York City. Her father, Karsten Johansson, is a Danish-born architect, and her paternal grandfather, Ejner Johansson, was a screenwriter and director (Scarlett Johansson holds Danish citizenship). Scarlett Johansson's mother, Melanie Sloan, a producer, comes from an Ashkenazi Jewish family from the Bronx. Johansson's parents met in Denmark, where her mother lived with Johansson's maternal grandmother, Dorothy, a former bookkeeper and schoolteacher. Johansson has an older sister, Vanessa, who is also an actress; an older brother, Adrian; a twin brother, Hunter, also an actor; and a half-brother, Christian, from her father's re-marriage.
Scarlett Johansson
Johansson grew up in a household with "little money" with a mother who was a "film buff".Johansson began her theater training by attending and graduating from Professional Children's School in Manhattan in 2002.
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Keira Knightley admits that she has Acne

Keira Knightley

Most people were shocked when actress Keira Knightley failed to bag the Best Actress BAFTA award for her role in the 2007 film Atonement, which she starred in with Scottish actor James McAvoy. They were even more surprised when the blockbuster film failed to receive any prizes at the Oscars. However, at just 23 years old, Knightley has plenty more time to win these coveted prizes in what will hopefully be a lengthy career.

Keira Knightley Keira Knightley

Knightley was born in London in 1985, the daughter of a playwright and actor. She was eager to pursue acting from childhood, and soon racked up appearances in a number of made for TV films such as Doctor Zhivago. However, it was her 2002 appearance in the popular football film Bend it like Beckham that raised her profile enough to get her noticed by Hollywood. After this, roles in Disney's ( Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy, Domino and Pride and Prejudice beckoned. She won a Best Actress Oscar nomination for her role as Elizabeth Bennett in the latter, and started to be regarded as a real star.

Keira Knightley

However, despite being Britain's hottest actress and a rising star in Hollywood, life certainly isn't all roses for Keira Knightley. The beautiful star has often spoken of her body hang-ups in interviews, particularly her skinny frame and her chronic adult acne. Indeed, her acne has caused her to loathe having her photograph taken, particularly by the paparazzi. She explains, "I'm not comfortable being photographed when I'm being myself. I believe the Aborigines say that every photo takes away a bit of your soul. It's very odd but I think there's some truth in that."

Keira Knightley
The actress also reveals that she dislikes her looks and relies on make-up artists to make her look good. She said: "I look in the mirror and go, "Oh no! More spots, more acne!" she adds, "I've been saved many times at film premieres by wonderful make-up artists who make my skin look much better than it is. That's all part of the make-believe world of cinema."

Keira Knightley

Knightley admits that her adult acne has left her with low self-esteem, although being a sex symbol has helped her to come to terms with her body. She said: "My film career has boosted my self-esteem. I'm self-conscious and I've always tried to dress down. I don't even like wearing make-up but I have to because of my acne."

Keira Knightley

Ultimately, whether pondering her latest film role or a new acne treatment, it's clear that Keira Knightley's insecurities make her just like the rest of us. Although she is often invited to star-studded award ceremonies and fashion shows, she still has to worry about spots and bad hair days.

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Salma Hayek - A tribute to wonderful celebrity

Salma Hayek

Fans always make someone very popular or famous or just an ordinary person. In a past decade we have seen there are many credentials which are being awarded to celebrities. Along with those facts, Celebrities give some remarkable and unforgettable performances which make T.V, Movies, and Shows a milestone. Salma Hayek is one of those celebrities which can make a movie blockbuster.

Salma Hayek Salma Hayke

Versatile Celebrity, Performance and Actress.

When Salma Hayek turned 23, she took on her first role in Teresa. That happened in the year 1989, this was a mexican telenvela. Salma Hayek starred in the movie el callejon de los milagros, which won her more awards than any other movie in the history of the mexican cinema. Salma Hayek acted in the year 1994, in movie called El Callejon de los Milgaros. The translation of the movie in english is: (Midaq Alley). This movie was admired by so many fans, and has got more awards then any other movie in Mexico.

In 1991 Salma Hayek traveled to California to meet Stella Adler, who helped her study acting hoping for a hollywood career, Despite the infuent english that Salma had, Robert Rodriguez saw something special in her, Robert and his producer wife later on gave Salma the chance to shine in hollywood. That movie was Desperado, Hayek starred along side Antonio Banderas back in 1995. Rodriguez was dazzled by Hayeks acting skills and it didn't take long for the audience to notice a true hollywood talent. Later on Salma Hayek was offered to play the role Catherine Zeta-Jones in The Mask Of Zorro, Hayek refused to play the role due to Rodreguez, who left the project.

Salma Hayek Salma Hayek

Salma Hayek can be called a T.V as well as movies Top Star. She has amazed this world with her blockbuster performances. Movies or T.V Serials by her have broken and create many records with Millions turnover. From Desperado to Frida she has performed some different roles with entirely different personality and outfit.

She has performed a remarkable role in Frida as Frida Kahlo which is a biography og artist Frida kahlo. Without any doubt that is the toughest role which she has been performed. Frida Kahlo lived a bold and uncompromising life as a political, artistic, and sexual revolutionary.

Salma Hayek

She seduced the world as Carolina in Desperado. She is a wonderful beauty who has everything inside to sizzle the World. Although the main reason of Desperado to be popular is Antonio but for me she is the reason to watch the movie again and again, I know I am not alone. Talking about Comedies, Wild Wild West is the movie in which she has performed role of Rita Escobar.

Her Role in From the Dusk till the Dawn was seductive and she has appeared in many movies nude, one of our all time favorites is “From the Dusk till the Dawn.” This was Salma Hayek’s first appearance for Hollywood, and ever since the world has seen her at that movie, she started on her road to greatness. At some extant we can say that she is one of those actresses who have started their careers by nudity.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Megan Fox - A brief History and her career.

Amazingly a big number of celebrities belong to very poor background with a very low income levels. Megan Fox has to go through the same but she is the famous artist and model of the new era. We have seen her in different roles. She is an actress and model who have fascinated the world with her amazing beauty and sizzling personality.

Megan Fox Megan Fox

Early Age and Family
Rockwood, Tennessee is the birth place of Megan Fox and she was born on May 16, 1986. Unfortunately she doesn't belong to a very rich family and has grown up in very poor atmosphere and livelihood. She has one elder sister. Megan Fox has Irish, French, and Native American ancestry.

Megan FoxIn the year 2007, That means that Megan Fox was still 20 years old and she got engages to Brian Austin Green, the previous actor in the hit series Beverly Hills 90210. She is known that she has a thing for tattoos and her body has five tattoos on it, also a fan of Shakespeare where she tattooed a quote from "King Lear". The quote means "We will laugh at (Fake Individuals)". The wedding between Green and Fox is still not yet determined.


She started training of drama and dancing at just age of 5. She continued her training after arriving at Port Saint Lucie. Florida. She finished her high school there as well. After her high school she went back to Tennessee. She lived in Oak Ridge for six month and then started her acting career.

At the age of 13, her talent for dance introduced her to great opportunities to modeling world. Fox made her film debut in the 2001 film Holiday in the Sun as the spoiled heiress Brianna Wallace and rival of Alex Stewart (Ashley Olsen). In "Ocean Ave", "What I like about you", "Two and a Half Men", and "The Help" from 2003 to 2004 are programs in which she appeared as Guest Actress. She was subsequently cast in her first recurring role in a television series on Hope & Faith, in which she portrayed Sydney Shanowski from 2004 until 2006.

Megan FoxShe get the biggest appreciation when she performed the leading female role "Mikaela Banes" in the movie "Transformer". Transformer was the live-action based movie and her performance was amazing. Fox was cast in How to Lose Friends & Alienate People, starring alongside Jeff Bridges and Kirsten Dunst. Coincidentally, the character Fox will portray is that of a young Hollywood starlet getting her first taste of fame. The film will be released in late 2008.

Megan FoxFox has appeared in a five page spread for the November 2005 issue of the popular men's magazine FHM. She also posed for the March 2007 issue of FHM, the June 2007 issue of GQ, the July 2007 issue of Maxim, and the September 2007 issue of Arena.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Diana Ross

Diana RossDiana Ross (born Diane Ernestine Earle Ross on March 26, 1944) is an American twelve-time Grammy and Oscar-nominated singer, record producer and actress, whose musical repertoire spans R&B, soul, pop, disco and jazz. During the 1960s, she helped shape the sound of popular music and the Motown Sound as lead singer of The Supremes before leaving for a solo career in the beginning of 1970. During the 1970s and through the mid 1980s, Ross was the most successful female artist of the rock era, while crossing over into film, television and Broadway winning a Tony Award for her one-woman show, An Evening with Diana Ross in 1977, and being nominated for twelve Grammy Awards and an Academy Award for Best Actress for her 1972 role as Billie Holiday in Lady Sings the Blues. She was also recently honored by The Kennedy Center.

In 1976, Billboard magazine named her the "Female Entertainer of the Century." The "Guinness Book Of World Records" declared Diana Ross as the most successful female music artist of the 20th century with a total of eighteen American number-one singles: twelve as lead singer of The Supremes and six as a soloist. Ross was the first female solo artist to score six number-ones. She is also one of the few artists to have two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame--one as a solo artist and the other as a member of the trio "The Supremes."
Diana RossRoss was born at Women's Hospital in Detroit, Michigan on March 26, 1944. For a time, the Ross family lived on Belmont Street in northern Detroit - directly off of Woodward Avenue - where Ross befriended neighbor Smokey Robinson. When Ross was seven, her mother contracted tuberculosis. Ross' father moved his children to live with relatives in Bessemer, Alabama. After her mother recovered, her family moved back to Detroit. When Diana was fourteen years old, the family moved into the Brewster-Douglass projects. The following year, Ross began her music career with neighborhood friends Mary Wilson, Florence Ballard, and Betty McGlown as the doo-wop quartet the Primettes (later renamed The Supremes), a sister group to local act The Primes (later The Temptations).

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Jennifer Garner

Jennifer Garner Jennifer Anne Garner (born April 17, 1972) is an Emmy-nominated and Golden Globe- and SAG Award-winning American actress. She is best known for her role as CIA agent Sydney Bristow on TV's Alias, as well as for her roles in the films Juno, Pearl Harbor, Dude, Where's My Car?, 13 Going on 30, Catch Me if You Can, Daredevil, Elektra, Catch and Release, and The Kingdom.
Jennifer GarnerGarner was born in Houston, Texas, the daughter of Patricia Ann (née English), an English teacher from Oklahoma, and Billy Jack Garner, a chemical engineer who worked for Union Carbide in Texas. She is the middle child between two sisters, Melissa Garner Wylie (born 1969, resides in Boston, Massachusetts) and Susannah Kay Garner Carpenter (born January 24, 1975 in Texas, resides in Charleston, West Virginia). Her family is Methodist. At three years old, Garner began taking ballet lessons which she continued throughout her youth. Although she admitted that she loved dancing, she never had ambitions to become a classical ballerina. When she was four years old, her father's job with Union Carbide relocated her family to Princeton, West Virginia, then to Charleston, West Virginia, where Garner resided until her college years.

In 1990, Garner graduated from GeorgJennifer Garnere Washington High School in Charleston, where she played the saxophone. She then enrolled at Denison University to study chemistry. Upon realizing that she enjoyed stage acting more than science, Garner changed her major to drama. While at Denison, Garner was initiated into the sorority Pi Beta Phi. Garner graduated from Denison in 1994 and continued her drama education at the National Theater Institute in Waterford, Connecticut where she was trained by fight choreographer David Chandler, and told she was a natural in stage combat. Keen for immediate experience, she visited her friend, Clayton Kirlew, in New York City in 1995 and decided to take her chances in New York theatre.

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The Life of Anna Friel

Anna Friel Anna Friel is an English actress who was born in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, England on July 12, 1976. Both of her parents were teachers, but although she was highly educated, she never developed that desire to teach. She became very interested in acting at a young age and worked in many local talent shows that she received a lot of praise from.
Anna Friel got a very early start and she landed her first professional acting gig when she was only thirteen years old. Her first job was for the Channel 4 drama serial G.B.H. playing the daughter of a character played by Michael Palin. G.B.H. was a seven part British television drama that was made by the independent production company G.B.H. films. This role led to a series of appearances on different British television shows. She became part of the cast of the Channel 4 soap opera Brookside in 1992. She got much more exposure with this role and although she was only on the show for two years, he lesbian kiss remains one of the most talked about moments in all of British soap history. She even won the National Television Award for most popular actress for this show in 1995.
Anna Friel

Anna Friel was never someone to shy away from taboo topics and she proved this yet again in 1996 when she appeared in the television film The Tribe by Stephen Poliakoff. This film included nudity, on her part, and a much talked about ménage a trois sex scene with Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Jeremy Northam. Her acting chops extend outside of film as well as she has starred in many Broadway plays. She appeared in the original run of Closer at the Music Box Theatre and won many theatre awards for her performance. Her film credits include Rogue Trader, The Land Girls, All for Love, A Midsummer Nights Dream, Timeline, Me Without You and Goal!

Today, the most notable part of her career is in television. She has done work on shows like The Jury and Watermelon which was on ITV. Today, she plays the role of Charlotte Charles in the TV series Pushing Daisies. Her character is commonly referred to as Chuck and she is the leading lady opposite Ned, which is played by Lee Pace. Anna Friel is quickly becoming a high demand actress and this is something fans can watch when Pushing Daisies returns in September for its second season.

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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Kerry Washington - The Celebrity Hot and Sexy Actress of Hollywood

Kerry WashingtonKERRY WASHINGTON Winner for "Outstanding Actress in a Motion Picture" for Ray at the NAACP Image Awards in 2005 and Nominated for an Independent Spirit Award for "Best Actress" in the film Lift in 2002, Kerry Washington is proving to be one of the busiest actresses in Hollywood. She garnered critical acclaim for her latest roles in The Last King of Scotland opposite Forest Whitaker for which she was nominated for "Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture" at the NAACP Image Awards in 2007, and in The Dead Girl opposite Marcia Gay Harden and Brittany Murphy. Most recently, Washington was seen on the big screen in Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer reprising her role as Alicia Masters, as well as in I Think I Love My Wife opposite Chris Rock and the Wayans Brothers' comedy Little Man. She is currently in production on A Thousand Words starring opposite Eddie Murphy.
Prior to these films, Washington starred in Mr. and Mrs. Smith, starring Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Fantastic Four, directed by Tim Story and Ray, the inspirational life story of Ray Charles, opposite Jamie Foxx. Previous to Ray, she played the lead role opposite Anthony Mackie in Spike Lee's She Hate Me, as well as starred in Sidney Lumet's HBO film Strip Search and the independent film Sexual Life.

Other film credits for Washington include Against the Ropes, The United States of Leland, The Human Stain, Bad Company, Lift, Save the Last Dance, for which she received a Teen Choice Award for Best Breakout Performance, and the highly acclaimed independent film, Our Song.

During her free time, Washington is an active member on the Board of Directors for The Creative Coalition, a group dedicated to raising awareness of First Amendment Rights and support of arts in education. She is also a member of the V-Counsel, an esteemed group of advisors to V-Day, the global movement to end violence against women and girls.

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