Friday, February 19, 2010

I can't figure this guy out at all...

You know...there are few things I like in life more than a truly perfect fool.

Let me explain what I mean.

It is not enough, simply to be a gay-hating moron... have to be a gay-hating moron who comes off like some bad SNL character from the past 25 years (in other words, an SNL character from the past 25 years).

You have to say things like (quotes via the War Room at Salon)

Human nature is a rational substance in relationship to the intelligible end of the reproductive act of reproduction.

OK. I'm pretty good with the words things (that example notwithstanding), but I've looked at his sentence forwards, backwards and sideways.

I can't even understand what he's trying to say for more than a third of it. And the part I do understand, he's wrong about:

Human nature is a rational substance...

Really. Humans including Tiger Woods and Lindsay Lohan? Including that sad fuck in Texas who couldn't just kill himself, no, he had to kill someone else along the way and injure a dozen others? Humans like Pamela Anderson and Sarah Palin?

Human nature is rational. Like hell.

(I don't even want to get into "the reproductive act of reproduction.")

And oh yes, there's more. After the GOP crowd, to their credit, start booing him:

"The lesbians at Smith College protest better than you do!"

He says it twice, even though it wasn't funny the first time. But again: I can't even figure out who this is meant to insult!

The said lesbians? But he's comparing them, favorably, to people in his own party.

Is he taking a shot at people booing him? Maybe...but in an really odd, praising-with-faint-damns kind of way.

(BTW, should any lesbians at Smith College happen to stumble across this entry, his turn of phrase was born to be on bumper stickers and T-shirts.)

This is what I mean when I speak of a perfect fool.

ETA: Just noticed that the prick is from my beloved home state of California, too, which is just the cherry on the cake...

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