Monday, February 1, 2010

Joe Lieberman: Proof positive that all Jews are not funny

From his speech last night at the Alfalfa Club:

As you may recall, I was Al Gore’s running mate in 2000. A lot of pundits said he picked me because I was willing to criticize Bill Clinton.

But by those standards, he should have picked Hillary!

There was some controversy from my Senate Democratic colleagues that at the same time I was running as vice president with Al, I was also running for reelection to the Senate.

When John Edwards heard about it, he said to me, “Isn’t that like two-timing?”

I’m going to reach out to people who disagree with me. The only nomination I know for certain is Keith Olberman, whom I plan to make Secretary of Interior . . . in hopes he’ll get lost in a national park.

On foreign affairs, I understand what Guantanamo has come to mean in world opinion. But we can fix that, without closing Guantanamo.

All we have to do is change its name. How about calling it the Richard B. Cheney Resort and Rehabilitation Spa?

I bet the water sports will be really great.

I could speculate here upon what he thinks "water sports" actually means...but no, can't talk, too busy w/sides splitting...

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