630007 - Programming Skills-V (OS) [2/3]
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11. Write a script to display the directory in the descending...
Shared By : Divya S Didwania (LCIT) Show/Hide Program
11 Write a script to display the directory in the descending order of the size of each file. ************************************************************************************************************************************ echo -n "Enter directory name : " read dname ls $dname > file echo "No of files in directory : $(grep [^*$] file-c)" rm -f file ls | sort -r find . -size +1000c -print or echo Enter Directory read direc cd $direc ls -Sl ~ "111.sh" 5L, 51C written [divya@linux ~]$ sh 111.sh Enter Directory d1 total 28 drwxrwxr-x 3 divya divya 4096 2010-08-10 17:10 jk -rw-rw-r-- 1 divya divya 27 2010-09-18 16:36 second -rw-rw-r-- 1 divya divya 18 2010-10-04 11:50 first -rw-rw-r-- 1 divya divya 0 2010-09-27 16:17 file ******************************************************************
11. Write a script to display the directory in the descending order of the size of each file. echo Enter Directory read direc cd $direc ls -Sl
12. Write a script to implement the following commands:...
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13. Write a script for generating a mark sheet after reading...
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Shared By : Divya S Didwania (LCIT) Show/Hide Program
13. Write a script for generating a mark sheet after reading data from a file. File contains student roll no, name , marks of three subjects. ****************************************************************** count=1 total=0 per=0 rem1=0 wc -l s > temp echo "************************************************************" >>s.out echo " Students Result Are As Follows....." >> s.out echo "************************************************************" >> s.out echo "Rno NAME SUB1 SUB2 SUB3 TOTAL PERCENTAGE GRADE RESULT" >> s.out echo "************************************************************" >> s.out while [ $count -le `awk '{print $1}' temp` ] do let total=0 head -$count s > temp1 tail -1 temp1 > temp2 rollno=`awk '{print $1}' temp2` name=`awk '{print $2}' temp2` sub1=`awk '{print $3}' temp2` sub2=`awk '{print $4}' temp2` sub3=`awk '{print $5}' temp2` let total=$total+`awk '{print $3}' temp2` let total=$total+`awk '{print $4}' temp2` let total=$total+`awk '{print $5}' temp2` echo "STUDENT NAME IS :" `awk '{print $2}' temp2` echo "TOTAL IS :" $total let per=`expr $total / 3` let rem1=`expr $total % 3` if test $rem1 -ne 0 then let per=$per+1 fi echo "PERCENTAGE IS :" $per if [ $per -ge 70 ] then grade="A+" elif test $per -ge 60 then grade="A" elif test $per -ge 50 then grade="B" elif test $per -ge 45 then grade="C" fi echo "GRADE IS :" $grade let count=$count+1 #WRITING DATA INTO THE OUTPUT FILE echo $rollno $name " " $sub1 " " $sub2 " " $sub3 " " $total " " $per " " $grade >> s.out echo "-----------------------------------------------------" >> s.out done rm temp rm temp1 rm temp2 output [divya@linux ~]$ cat s 1 divya 40 30 70 2 Raj 60 40 90 [divya@linux ~]$ sh 131.sh ************************************************************ Students Result Are As Follows..... ************************************************************ Rno NAME SUB1 SUB2 SUB3 TOTAL PERCENTAGE GRADE RESULT ************************************************************ STUDENT NAME IS : divya TOTAL IS : 140 PERCENTAGE IS : 47 GRADE IS : C 1 divya 40 30 70 140 47 C ----------------------------------------------------- STUDENT NAME IS : Raj TOTAL IS : 190 PERCENTAGE IS : 64 GRADE IS : A 2 Raj 60 40 90 190 64 A ----------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************
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14. Write a script to make following file and directory management...
Shared By : Rushyang Darji (SVIT -Vasad ) Show/Hide Program
#!/usr/bin/env bash # Code written By: Rushyang Darji # Last Updated: 13.08.2010 # Visit My Online Repository: "http://github.com/rushyang/GTU-OS-Bash-Scripts" for regular updates and more scripts. : << -- 14. Write a script to make following file and directory management operations menu based: Display current directory List directory Make directory Change directory Copy a file Rename a file Delete a file Edit a file -- while true; do sleep 1 echo -e "\n" echo -e " 1. Display current directory 2. List directory 3. Make directory 4. Change directory 5. Copy a file 6. Rename a file 7. Delete a file 8. Edit a file 9. Exit Enter your choice: \c" read selection clear case $selection in 1) pwd ;; 2) ls -l ;; 3) echo -n "Enter name of directory you wanna make: " read DIR mkdir "$DIR" if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then echo "Directory $DIR made successfully!" sleep 1 ls -l fi ;; 4) echo -n "Enter the Absolute Path to change the directory: " read -e apath cd $apath if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Working path changed successfully!" sleep 1 pwd fi ;; 5) echo -n "Enter name of file: " read filename echo -n "Copy where? " read -e apath cp $filename $apath if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then sleep 1 echo "File $filename copied successfully to $apath" fi ;; 6) echo -n "Enter old name of the file: " read oname echo -n "Enter new name: " read nname mv $oname $nname ;; 7) echo -n "Enter filename to delete: " read fdel if [ -f $fdel ]; then rm -i $fdel fi ;; 8) echo -n "Enter filename to open it in Text Editor: " read filename vi $filename ;; 9) clear echo "============ HAVE A NICE DAY ============" sleep 2 clear exit ;; *) echo "Invalid choice, Please try again!: " ;; esac done
Shared By : Divya S Didwania (LCIT) Show/Hide Program
14 Write a script to make following file and directory management operations menu based: ****************************************************************** Display current directory List directory Make directory Change directory Copy a file Rename a file Delete a file Edit a file ****************************************************************** clear choice=y while [ "$choice" = "y" ] do echo " MAIN MENU " echo "***************************" echo "1 - DISPLAY CURRENT DIRECTORY" echo "2 - LIST DIRECTORY" echo "3 - MAKE DIRECTORY" echo "4 - CHANGE DIRECTORY" echo "5 - COPY A FILE" echo "6 - RENAME A FILE" echo "7 - DELETE A FILE" echo "8 - EDIT A FILE" echo "9 - EXIT" echo "ENTER THE CHOICE :- " read choice case $choice in 1) echo "DISPLAYING CURRENT DIRECTORY" pwd ;; 2) echo "\nLIST THE CURRENT DIRECTORY" ls -l read ;; 3) echo "\nMAKE A NEW DIRECTORY" echo "\nENTER THE DIRECTORY NAME :-\c" read dirname mkdir "$dirname" read dirname ;; 4) echo "\nCHANGE THE CURRENT DIRECTORY" echo "\nENTER THE DIRECTORY TO WHICH YOU WANT TO read dirname pwd cd .. ;; 5) echo "\nCOPY THE GIVEN FILE TO THE GIVEN DESTINAT echo "\nENTER THE FILE TO COPY :- \c" read file echo "\nENTER THE DESTINATION TO COPY :- \c" read destin cp "$file" "$destin" ;; 6) echo "\nRENAMING THE GIVEN FILE" echo "\nENTER THE FILE TO RENAME :- \c" read file1 echo "\nENTER THE NEW NAME :- \c" read file2 mv "$file1" "$file2" ;; 7) echo "\nDELETING THE GIVEN FILE" echo "\nENTER THE FILE TO DELETE :- \c" read file rm "$file" ;; 8) echo "\nEDITING A GIVEN FILE" echo "\nENTER FILE TO EDIT :- \c" read file vi "$file" :q ;; 9) exit ;; *) echo "Invalid Choice ....." ;; esac echo -e "Do u want to continue.....? [y/n]" read choice case $choice in Y|y) choice=y;; N|n) choice=n;; *) choice=y;; esac done output MAIN MENU *************************** 1 - DISPLAY CURRENT DIRECTORY 2 - LIST DIRECTORY 3 - MAKE DIRECTORY 4 - CHANGE DIRECTORY 5 - COPY A FILE 6 - RENAME A FILE 7 - DELETE A FILE 8 - EDIT A FILE 9 - EXIT ENTER THE CHOICE :- 1 DISPLAYING CURRENT DIRECTORY /home/Raj [Divya@linux ~]$ ENTER THE CHOICE :- 2 \nLIST THE CURRENT DIRECTORY total 96 -rw-rw-r-- 1 Raj Raj 1590 2010-07-26 16:27 14.sh -rw-rw-r-- 1 Raj Raj 21 2010-07-26 16:33 d drwxrwxr-x 2 Raj Raj 4096 2010-07-26 16:28 divya drwxrwxr-x 4 Raj Raj 4096 2010-07-26 16:22 family -rw-rw-r-- 1 Raj Raj 232 2010-07-23 16:39 fib.sh -rw-rw-r-- 1 Raj Raj 171 2010-07-26 16:52 log.sh -rw-rw-r-- 1 Raj Raj 9 2010-07-26 16:15 palin -rw-rw-r-- 1 Raj Raj 288 2010-07-26 16:48 pal.sh -rw-rw-r-- 1 Raj Raj 167 2010-07-26 14:19 pm.sh drwxrwxr-x 3 Raj Raj 4096 2010-07-24 16:38 r -rw-rw-r-- 1 Raj Raj 304 2010-07-26 16:55 time.sh -rw-rw-r-- 1 Raj Raj 264 2010-07-24 16:29 zero.sh ENTER THE CHOICE :- 3 \nMAKE A NEW DIRECTORY \nENTER THE DIRECTORY NAME :-\c divya1 [Divya@linux ~]$ ls 14.sh divya family log.sh pal.sh r zero.sh d divya1 fib.sh palin pm.sh time.sh ENTER THE CHOICE :- 5 \nCOPY THE GIVEN FILE TO THE GIVEN DESTINATION \nENTER THE FILE TO COPY :- \c d \nENTER THE DESTINATION TO COPY :- \c t [Divya@linux ~]$ cat t target +destinatyion ENTER THE CHOICE :- 6 \nRENAMING THE GIVEN FILE \nENTER THE FILE TO RENAME :- \c d \nENTER THE NEW NAME :- \c dest [Divya@linux ~]$ ls 14.sh divya family log.sh pal.sh r time.sh dest divya1 fib.sh palin pm.sh t zero.sh ENTER THE CHOICE :- 7 \nDELETING THE GIVEN FILE \nENTER THE FILE TO DELETE :- \c t [Divya@linux ~]$ ls 14.sh divya family log.sh pal.sh r zero.sh dest divya1 fib.sh palin pm.sh time.sh ENTER THE CHOICE :- 8 \nEDITING A GIVEN FILE \nENTER FILE TO EDIT :- \c dest target +destinatyion rr Insert mode and save [Divya@linux ~]$ cat dest target +destinatyion rr ******************************************************************
Shared By : Rajendra Rajani (SSIT-Gandinagar) Show/Hide Program
************************************************************************************************* pro14. Write a shell script to make the following file and management operations menu based: a) Display the current directory. b) List directory. c) Make directory. d) Change directory. e) Copy of a file. f) Rename a file. g) Delete a file. h) Edit a file. ************************************************************************************************* choice=y while [ "$choice" = "y" ] do echo -e " MENU " echo -e "1. Display the current directory" echo -e "2. List directory" echo -e "3. Make directory" echo -e "4. Change directory" echo -e "5. Copy of a file" echo -e "6. Rename a file" echo -e "7. Delete a file" echo -e "8. Edit a file" echo -e "9. Exit" echo "\n Enter your Choice :- " read choice case "$choice" in 1) pwd;; 2) ls;; 3) echo -e "enter the name of new directory to be created" read dir1 mkdir $dir1;; 4) cd;; 5) echo -e "enter the source and destination files" read f1 read f2 cp $f1 $f2;; 6) echo -e "enter the old and new names of files" read f1 read f2 mv $f1 $f2;; 7) echo -e "which file to be removed" read fname rm $fname;; 8) echo -e "which file should be edited" read fname vi $fname;; 9) exit;; esac echo -e "Do u want to continue.....? [y/n]" read choice case $choice in Y|y) choice=y;; N|n) choice=n;; *) choice=y;; esac done
/* 14. Write a script to make following file and directory management operations menu based: Display current directory List directory Make directory Change directory Copy a file Rename a file Delete a file Edit a file */ echo " 1...Display current Directory" echo " 2...List Directory" echo " 3...Make directory " echo " 4...Change directory " echo " 5...Copy a file " echo " 6...Rename a fIle " echo " 7...Delete a file " echo " 8...Edit a file " echo " Enter Your Choice: " read ch case $ch in 1) pwd ;; 2) ls ;; 3) echo Enter directory name to make read dir_name mkdir $dir_name ;; 4) cd ;; 5) echo Enter two file name to copy read f_name1 f_name2 cp $f_name1 $f_name2 ;; 6) echo Enter file name to rename read fname mv $fname ;; 7) echo Enter file name to delete read fname rm $fname ;; 8) echo Enter file name to edit read fname vi $fname ;; *) echo You hv entered wrong choice ;; esac
15. Write a script which reads a text file and output the following...
Shared By : Divya S Didwania (LCIT) Show/Hide Program
15.Write a script which reads a text file and output the following Count of character, words and lines. File in reverse. Frequency of particular word in the file. Lower case letter in place of upper case letter. ****************************************************************** echo -e "\n Enter Filename : " read filen echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" echo " MENU " echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" echo " a) Count the no. of char.s, words, lines." echo " b) Display a file in reverse." echo " c) Count the no. of occurrences of a particular word." echo " d) Convert Lower case to UppeCase" echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "\n Enter Your Choice : " read c case "$c" in a) echo -e "\n Total lines,words,char.s " ; wc $filen ;; b) rev $filen read buf;; c) echo -e "\nEnter word to find :" read w for i in `cat $filen` do echo $i >> f1.txt done echo -e "Total no. of words= \c" ;grep -c $w f1.txt grep $w f1.txt rm f1.txt;; *) echo "Invalid choice" esac ~ ~ "15.sh" 28L, 894C written [divya@linux ~]$ sh 15.sh Enter Filename : s -------------------------------------------------------------- MENU -------------------------------------------------------------- a) Count the no. of char.s, words, lines. b) Display a file in reverse. c) Count the no. of occurrences of a particular word. d) Convert Lower case to UppeCase -------------------------------------------------------------- Enter Your Choice : a Total lines,words,char.s 7 22 193 s [divya@linux ~]$ sh 15.sh Enter Filename : b -------------------------------------------------------------- MENU -------------------------------------------------------------- a) Count the no. of char.s, words, lines. b) Display a file in reverse. c) Count the no. of occurrences of a particular word. d) Convert Lower case to UppeCase -------------------------------------------------------------- Enter Your Choice : b rev: b: No such file or directory [5]+ Stopped sh 15.sh [divya@linux ~]$ sh 15.sh Enter Filename : s -------------------------------------------------------------- MENU -------------------------------------------------------------- a) Count the no. of char.s, words, lines. b) Display a file in reverse. c) Count the no. of occurrences of a particular word. d) Convert Lower case to UppeCase" -------------------------------------------------------------- Enter Your Choice : b akram eman on llor 05 ilahsiav 1 04 jariv 2 05 lanos 3 03 layap 4 04 lahen 5 06 layap 6 [6]+ Stopped sh 15.sh [divya@linux ~]$ sh 15.sh Enter Filename : s -------------------------------------------------------------- MENU -------------------------------------------------------------- a) Count the no. of char.s, words, lines. b) Display a file in reverse. c) Count the no. of occurrences of a particular word. d) Convert Lower case to UppeCase -------------------------------------------------------------- Enter Your Choice : c Enter word to find : payal Total no. of words= 2 payal payal [divya@linux ~]$ sh 15.sh Enter Filename : s -------------------------------------------------------------- MENU -------------------------------------------------------------- a) Count the no. of char.s, words, lines. b) Display a file in reverse. c) Count the no. of occurrences of a particular word. d) Convert Lower case to UppeCase -------------------------------------------------------------- Enter Your Choice : d ROLL NO NAME MARKs 1 VAISHALI 50 2 VIRAJ 40 3 SONAL 50 4 PAYAL 30 5 NEHAL 40 6 PAYAL 60 [divya@linux ~]$ ***************************************************************
************************************************************************************************ pro15. Write a script which reads a text file and output the following: I) Count of characters, words, lines. II) File in reverse." III) Frequency of particular word in the file. IV) Lower case letters in place of uppercase alphabets. ************************************************************************************************ echo -e "\n Enter Filename : \c" read filen echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" echo " MENU " echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" echo " a) Count of characters, words, lines." echo " b) File in reverse." echo " c) Frequency of particular word in the file.word." echo " d) Lower case letters in place of uppercase alphabets." echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "\n Enter Your Choice : \c" read c case "$c" in a) echo -e "\n Total lines,words,char.s \c" ; wc $filen ;; b) rev $filen read buf;; c) echo -e "\nEnter word to find : \c" read w for i in `cat $filen` do echo $i >> f1.txt done echo -e "Total no. of words= \c" ;grep -c $w f1.txt grep $w f1.txt rm f1.txt ;; d) echo "Enter the text (Enter ctrl+D for end>:" cat > temp.txt echo "See temp.txt file for output..." tr [a-z] [A-Z] <>
Shared By : Hetal Modi (College - CTI - Gandhinagar ) Show/Hide Program
15. Write a script which reads a text file and output the following Count of character, words and lines. File in reverse. Frequency of particular word in the file. Lower case letter in place of upper case letter. echo "Enter File Name" read fname echo " 1...Count character,words and lines 2...Reverse File 3...Found frequency of word 4...Convert upper to lower 5...Convert lower to upper ------------------------------------" echo "Enter Choice: " read ch case $ch in 1) echo Total Character: wc -c $fname echo Total Words: wc -w $fname echo Total Lines: wc -l $fname ;; 2) rev $fname ;; 3) echo Enter word to find read w echo Frequency: grep -c "$w" $fname ;; 4) echo Enter Text read text echo $text | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]" ;; 5) echo Enter Text read text echo $text | tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]" ;; *) echo Wrong Choice ;; esac /* output [mca0914@ctilinux-1 mca0914]$ sh 15.sh Enter File Name abc.txt 1...Count character,words and lines 2...Reverse File 3...Found frequency of word 4...Convert upper to lower 5...Convert lower to upper 6...-------------------------------- Enter Choice: 1 Total Character: 15 abc.txt Total Words: 4 abc.txt Total Lines: 2 abc.txt ****************************************************** Enter Choice: 2 olleH ?u r woH ****************************************************** Enter Choice: 3 Frequency: 2 ****************************************************** Enter Choice: 4 Enter Text HET het ****************************************************** Enter Choice: 5 Enter Text het HET ******************************************************
16. Write a shell script to check whether the named user is...
#!/usr/bin/env bash # Code written By: Rushyang Darji # My Online Repository: http://github.com/rushyang/GTU-OS-Bash-Scriptss : << -- This shell script will verify whether the user is logged in or not. -- echo -e "Enter username to verify whether he is logged in or not: \c" read myname who | awk '{print $1}' > allusers_dummy.log sed -n /^$myname$/p allusers_dummy.log > finalusers_dummy.log SIZE=`ls -s finalusers_dummy.log | awk '{ print $1 }'` if [ $SIZE -eq 0 ]; then echo "User is not logged in" else echo "User: $myname is currently logged in" sleep 2 who | sed -n /^$myname/p fi rm allusers_dummy.log rm finalusers_dummy.log # OR #!/usr/bin/env bash # Code written By: Rushyang Darji # My Online Repository: http://github.com/rushyang/GTU-OS-Bash-Scripts echo -e "Enter name of user: \c" read myname finaluser=`who | awk '{print $1}' | sed -n /^$myname$/p | head -n1` if [ "$myname" = "$finaluser" ]; then echo "User is currently logged in." sleep 1 who | sed -n /^$myname/p else echo "User is not currently logged in. " fi
Shared By : Divya S Didwania (LCIT) Show/Hide Program
16.Write a shell script to check whether the named user is currently logged in or not **************************************************************************************** clear echo -e "Enter The User name : " read name (who | grep $name ) && clear echo "The User " $name && echo " Is Currently Logged In " || echo "is logged out" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Output Enter The User name : Raj The User Raj Is Currently Logged In [Divya@linux ~]$ *************************************************************
Shared By : kuldeep (SSIT) Show/Hide Program
kuldeep-SSIT ************************************************************************************************ 10. To Find That Given User is Currently Logged In Or Not. ************************************************************************************************ clear echo "Enter The User name :\c " read name >>temp echo "The User \c " $name (who | grep $name >> temp ) && echo " Is Currently Logged In " || echo "is not logged in" ************************************************************************************************ OR **** #message Broadcast for a Single User,Multiple Users and to All# who > e.txt echo "For Broadcasting Messages." if [ $# = 0 ] then echo "Enter the User Name:\c" read nam p=`grep $nam e.txt` if [ "$p" != "" ] then write $nam rm e.txt exit else echo "The user is not logged in" fi rm e.txt exit fi if [ "$1" = "all" ] then wall fi for nam in $* do p=`grep $nam e.txt` if [ "$p" != "" ] then write $nam else echo "The User $nam is not logged in" fi done ************************************************************************************************ #OR **** echo "enter user name" read n who | grep "^$n" if [ $? -eq 0 ] then echo "currently log in" else echo "not log in" fi ************************************************************************************************
17. Write a Script for Simple Database Management System...
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Share this program... Send it to gtumca@gmail.com with your Name - College name.. and share what you want ... at same mail id... Thanx in advance... Be connected... D_i_Z
18. Write A Script To Perform Following String Operations...
Shared By : Hetal Modi ( CTI - Gandhinagar ) Show/Hide Program
/*18. Write A Script To Perform Following String Operations Using Menu: COMPARE TWO STRINGS. JOIN TWO STRINGS. FIND THE LENGTH OF A GIVEN STRING. OCCURRENCE OF CHARACTER AND WORDS E. REVERSE THE STRING. */ while true do echo --------------------------------------- echo 1...COMPARE TWO STRINGS echo 2...JOIN TWO STRINGS echo 3...FIND THE LENGTH OF A GIVEN STRING echo 4...OCCURRENCE OF CHARACTER AND WORDS echo 5...REVERSE THE STRING echo --------------------------------------- echo Enter Choice: read ch echo --------------------------------------- case $ch in 1) echo Enter String1: read str1 echo Enter String2: read str2 if [ $str1 = $str2 ] then echo String is equal else echo String is not equal fi ;; 2) echo Enter String1: read str1 echo Enter String2: read str2 str3=$str1$str2 echo Join String: $str3 ;; 3) length=0 echo Enter String1: read str1 length=`expr $str1 | wc -c` length=`expr $length - 1` echo Length: $length ;; 4) echo Enter String: read str echo Enter Word to find read word echo $str | cat > str1.txt grep -o $word str1.txt | cat > str2.txt count=`grep -c $word str2.txt` echo Count: $count ;; 5) echo Enter String1: read str len=`expr $str | wc -c` len=`expr $len - 1` while [ $len -gt 0 ] do rev=`expr $str | cut -c $len` ans=$ans$rev len=`expr $len - 1` done echo Reverse String: $ans ;; *) echo Wrong Choice ;; esac echo Do u want to continue? read ans if [ $ans = n ] then exit fi done
19. Write a script to calculate gross salary for any number...
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Share this program... Send it to gtumca@gmail.com with your Name - College name.. and share what you want ... at same mail id... Thanx in advance... Be connected... D_i_Z
20. Write a script to check whether a given string...
Shared By : Hetal Modi ( CTI - Gandhinagar ) Show/Hide Program
/* 20. Write a script to check whether a given string is palindrome or not. */ echo Enter String read str length=0 cnt=1 flag=0 length=`expr $str | wc -c` length=`expr $length - 1` temp=`expr $length / 2` while test $cnt -le $temp do rev=`expr $str | cut -c $cnt` ans=`expr $str | cut -c $length` if [ $rev != $ans ] then flag=1 fi cnt=`expr $cnt + 1` length=`expr $length - 1` done if [ $flag -eq 0 ] then echo String is palindrome else echo String is not palindrome fi
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