Khichdi The Movie is an adaptation from the popular TV show Khichdi. The film stars nearly the same actors as in the show. The star cast includes Supriya Pathak, Anang Desai, Rajeev Mehta, Girish Sahdev, Nimisha Vakharia, Kesar Majethia, Markand Soni. There are a few more actors in special appearances, which I'll not be mentioning as this post will become too big and boring. The film releases on 1 October, 2010.
- Khichdi Khichdi - Kailash Kher
- Chal Chal Bhosale Market - Shaan & Mahalaxmi Iyer
- Tauba Tauba - Kailash Kher
- Tenu TV Per Wekhya - Kailash Kher
- Mind It (Tamil Bhangra) - Mika
- Na Batati Tu (Na Dhin Dhin Na) - Kailash Kher
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