Sunday, January 30, 2011

Emma Watson v Hayden Panettiere: Hayden Panettiere Winner!

Emma Watson, best known for being Hermione Granger and perhaps every wizarding boy's first crush now goes to Brown University. Unfortunately for her, and us, she chopped off her hair and now looks like a man. So, for the fairness of this round we'll judge the long-haired Watson. More bad news, however, we can't judge the cgi-ed version of Watson that was featured in the newest HP movie who was much hotter than normal Watson. With her long-haired normal self, will Watson be able to pull the win out over Hayden Panettiere, the sexy, indestructible Hero?

After Heroes started to suck, the only reason anyone would probably want to watch Heroes was for the aptly named Hiro, who unfortunately started becoming annoying as the show progressed, or for Hayden Panettiere who was well...attractive enough to keep some people watching.

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