Friday, April 29, 2011

Dhoondh Legi Manzil Hume 28th April 2011 Written Update

Abhi comes home for lunch where NNT shows him his and Gauri’s wedding card.Abhi looks very sad after seeing it and NNT tells him that according to Savitri he’s not happy with the wedding.Abhi disagrees saying he wants to marry soon.They go off to eat lunch.
Aarti and Chander are working on the laptop where Aarti again daydreams about Chander wishing that he didn’t love someone else as it has become very difficult for her to hide her feelings from him.Chander brings her out of her reverie and asks her what’s going on in her mind.She jhadoes some philosophy regarding happiness and sadness and then leaves to talk to SInha.Chander is confused but laughs it off.
Alka comes home tired and says it’s very sunny to which Abhi replies that even the flowers wilted in the sun!Alka pretends not to understand and Abhi tells her that he saw her with someone and with red roses as the city is very small and everybody knows everything!He asks her who was she with.Alka tells him that she was with an old US classmate Gautam Randhawa and didn’t want to go for the meeting empty handed so had the flowers.She tells him that he has started behaving like a possessive brother and a policeman!Abhi apologises saying it’s because they don’t spend much time together theses days and that he’s worried about her.Alka contemplates telling him about Chander and her relationship but thinks that she should first ask Chander.
Aarti looks at Chander from behinf her file and Chander sees her.He tries talking to her but she avoids him-first calling Sinha and then talking on the phone.He realises that she is avoiding him but can’t understand why.
Chander calls Alka and she tells him that Abhi saw her and wants to tell him everything but CHander asks her to wait.Chander asks about her meeting and she tells him that it was superb and it would be fun working with her college friends.She tells him that she wants to introduce eco-friendly homes in the city but not now.Chander asks why so she tells him that Abhi’s wedding is next week so she’s going to be busy.Chander says that Abhi hasnt even told him yet and calls him.He jokes saying now Abhi is a big leader and doesnt have time for hm.Abhi laughs it off and asks Chander to meet him at their old meeting place.
Chander tells Aarti that ABhi is getting married and he is very happy.He asks her not to take election stress as he is there with her.She thinks that is why she is unable to concentrate as he could never be hers.
Abhi and Chander meet at Kake Ka Dhaba!They drink and Chander aks him whether he is happy.Abhi says his mother’s wish of getting him married to a princess since childhood has been fulfilled.Chander tells him he is always there for him when Abhi says that he is very lonely and that Gauri was also in his life now.Abhi says he will never let Gauri take Nandini’s place and he will win back Nandini’s love.Episode ends.

Precap:The Raja has sent 1000 rupee filled suitcases as Abhi’s wedding shagun and he is shocked.NNT gloats saying for this very reason he was getting Abhi’s and Gauri’s wedding done-the money!

All in all a superb episode where my favourite part was ABhi’s and CHander’s bonding.The fact that they are still friends is just so amazing!Also Abhi still loving Nandini like before touched my heart.I almost cried seeing his state.I wish with all my heart that Abhini get back together.

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